Week 8 ( 25 February 2013- 28 February 2013 )

Monday 25/2/2013                                      

- Glue bunting NAVY 24' x 5'

Tuesday 26/2/2013                                        

- Redesign bunting company Googoo

- Design 2x bunting Company Madrasah Dakwatul Islamiah 2' x 4'

- Design 1x bunting Company Roti John 2' x 4'

- Design 1x banner Company Roti John 5' x 2'

Wednesday 27/2/2013                                    

- Company Madrasah confirm the design

- Company Roti John confirm the design

Thursday 28/2/2013

- Company Madrasah Dakwatul Islamiah came taken their buntings

- Company Roti John came taken their bunting and banner

- Company Googoo request quotation

- Company Googoo confirm the design

Week 7 ( 18 February 2013- 23 February 2013 )

Monday 18/2/2013                                      

- Call six company to ask their debt.

- Do banner for SK Seri Bayu

Tuesday 19/2/2013                                        

- Call customers Company Googoo to inform their order have done design and done sent to email

Wednesday 20/2/2013                                    

- Sick leave

Thursday 21/2/2013

- Glue banners and buntings (Kencana Torsco)

Friday 22/2/2013

- Crop RAPID company pictures

Saturday 23/2/2013

- Glue bunting NAVY 24' x 5' 

Week 6 ( 11 February 2013- 16 February 2013 )

Monday 11/2/2013                                        

- Chinese festive holidays

Tuesday 12/2/2013

- Chinese festive holidays

Wednesday 13/2/2013

- Chinese festive holidays

Thursday 14/2/2013

- Chinese festive holidays

Friday 15/2/2013

- Chinese festive holidays

Saturday 16/2/2013

- Chinese festive holidays

Week 5 ( 4 February 2013- 9 February 2013 )

Monday 4/2/2013                                          

- Arranged all file ordered by company name

- Crop image product from Pasarayaku RAPID

Tuesday 5/2/2013                                          

- Called customers to come company take their ordered

Wednesday 6/2/2013                                      

- Do packing flyers for Raja Herba that have 12 pack and 1 pack have 5000 pieces the total is 60, 000 pieces

Thursday 7/2/2013                                      

- Do glue and punch the Banner and Bunting for Mazlan and Setia Awan

Do food menu for  Restoran Budiman Tomyam

Friday 8/2/2013                                                                

- Called customers to come company take their ordered

- Cut the sticker car and motorcycle of UNIKL

- Do the packaging for flyers "D'LONER CAMERON ORGANIC FARM"

- Called six company to pay debts

- Called five customers to take stuff are ready

Saturday 9/2/2013                                                            

- Do photostat three Identity Card (IC) for boss's soft copy

- Keep machine printing

Design simple Signco Stock Book

Week 4 ( 28 January 2013- 2 February 2013 )

Monday 28/1/2013                                         

- Scan cash bill, invoice, ordered.

Tuesday 29/1/2013                                          

- Called customers to come company take their ordered.

- Crop 10 images of pampers for The Store Company

Wednesday 30/1/2013                                      

- Do sticker at bunting MPM

Thursday 31/1/2013                                        

- Photostat all transaction in and out

Friday 1/2/2013                                                                

- Called customers to come company take their ordered

Saturday 2/2/2013                                                              

- Arrange cash bill by company

Week 3 ( 21 January 2013- 26 January 2013 )

Monday 21/1/2013                                          

- Do draft paper

- Do banner glue

- Help printing banner

Tuesday 22/1/2013                                            

- Called customers to come company take their ordered

Do memo for Signco Comercial Signage Company

Wednesday 23/1/2013                                        

- Do draft paper

Thursday 24/1/2013                                        

- Photostat all transaction in and out

Friday 25/1/2013                                                                  

- Called customers to come company take their ordered.

- Scan and tracing 3 stickers for NVL Company

Saturday 26/1/2013                                                              

- Sick leave -

Week 2 ( 14 January 2013- 19 January 2013 )

Monday 14/1/2013                                              

- Do draft paper 

- Do banner glue

Tuesday 15/1/2013                                              

- Packaging flyers for Seri Anggun Sdn.Bhd

- Scan receipt payment in and out

Wednesday 16/1/2013                                          

- Do draft paper

Design Banner Nasi Kukus Stadium 4'x2' for En.Zainuri

Thursday 17/1/2013                                           

- Photostat all transaction in and out

Design Banner Alpha Lipid 18' X 4' for Josnizai

Friday 18/1/2013                                                                    

- Pasting stickers at Banner MPM x50 pcs

Saturday 19/1/2013                                                                 

- Photostat all transaction in and out 

- Glue the original transaction in photostat's paper.

- Do letterhead for Signco Comercial Signage Company


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